Taco Bell Review - by VinCactus


I went to Taco Bell for the first time tonight. Here is my review. I purchased the Deluxe Cravings Box. I chose to order the Beefy Five-Layer Burrito, The Challupa Supreme, the Taco Supreme, the Seasoned Fries, and a Large Baja Blast.

Beefy Five-Layer Burrito: This was probably my least favorite thing that I had at Taco Bell. It was overly cheesy, and was a bit gross. 4/10

Taco Supreme: It is literally just a Taco. Nothing remotely special. 7/10 good

Taco Challupa Supreme: The highlight of my Taco Bell trip. They accidentally put chicken instead of ground beef but I didn't really care. The Challupa wrapping (tortilla?) was muy delicioso and had great texture. If I ever go to Taco Bell again, this is what I will get. 8.5/10

Seasoned Fries: Yeah it was alright. 6/10

Mountain Dew Baja Blast: This one is weird. It has almost a floral taste. I feel like the more I drink it, the more I'll like it. Right now, it's a 7/10.
